I guess I'm just not ready to let go of my admiration for Scandinavian thought leadership.
In 2010, my travels really taught me how America lags the world in female representation in government and industry. America is currently ranked 85th in the world for elected female leadership. Yes, America, that wasn't a typo. It was an 8 and then a 5 to make us 85th out of 195 countries in the world. Mediocre.
Deutsche-Welle, the German media company, has published a story that reminds me while American women are talking a good game, other women are actually making gender diversity happen.
Norwegian women have "smashed through the glass ceiling." How? By getting their government to tie corporate board gender diversity to a company's ability to be competitive for a government contract or listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Well played, ladies. I admire your obvious business acumen in executing global leadership in gender equity. Kudos also belong to the chivalrous conservative male politician in Norway who introduced the legislation.
American women, there is hope. Less than a decade ago, Norwegian women were represented in only 7% of their corporate board seats. We could turn this around by following their lead. If not, we're slated to fall even further behind as the rest of Europe adopts measures similar to the Norwegians. The American Dream, if you're female, might be more-likely found in Europe.
Click on my title to read the article.